See what inclusion
looks like

The Podcast
Our podcast offers a platform where inclusion is the center of the conversation. Our guest come from all backgrounds to share personal and professional stories, best practices, resources, and great advice. In addition, we look forward to talking about special observances and the unique contributions of all people. From Native Americans to Irish Americans this will be the perfect opportunity to promote diversity, inform, educate, and raise awareness.

Coming Soon!
About Us
The team behind Diversity Spotlight
Diversity Spotlight is an online network dedicated to diversity, inclusion, and equality. We offer resources, relevant content, and services that inform and educate, while also providing an environment for all people to feel included. We were founded in 2006 by a member of the United States Air Force, whose intent was to use the site within the military community. Today, Diversity Spotlight reaches a much more diverse community of people from all walks of life.
We stand ready to have crucial conversations, and to celebrate the diverse cultures and contributions made to our society. Our goal is to create opportunities for everyone to sit at the table and learn about the history, values, and contributions of each generation, and to use inclusion as the strategy that creates respect and a sense of belonging for all people.
We receive faithful support from ordinary people here and around the world, and always look for new ways to share our message with others. We invite you to be part of our network, and hope you will begin this journey with us by registering to vote. We believe in the democratic process and feel that voting is the first step in leading change. Connect with us on social media, share your story or let us feature your organization here on Diversity Spotlight. You can also join our group on LinkedIn - a place for diversity practitioners, leaders, and professionals in the HR and EEO career fields.
Thanks for connecting and welcome to Diversity Spotlight.
Diversity Spotlight is a registered trademark.